Potatoofdoom's Homepage.

My little space for projects and ideas.

Q: Why does this exist? Isn't Geocities dead?

A: It exist because I willed it into existence. It's modeled after a Geocities page cuz back in my day, all we had was 14.4k modems and I had to walk uphill both ways in the snow in order to get onto compuserve

Q: But like, isn't there better tech now to make websites with?

A: This is actually all the latest Python and Bootstrap stuff just done horribly, horribly wrong.

Q: My eyes! Why won't they stop bleeding?

A: Because the blink and marquee tag are all-powerful and will *NEVER* die. Be thankful I didn't add a JS function to follow your mouse cursor all over the page.

Q: Did you really make a responsive Geocities knockoff to showcase your work?

A: Yes, because web development is serious business.